Channel: Pope Francis – Vancouver Sun
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Lessons from South America (and not just Pope Francis)


The new South American pope is calling the globe’s wealthy into question. World Cup mania is set to burst out of Brazil next year. Gay marriage has been approved in many countries.

Reformers are successfully taking on the South American establishment. Ecstatic Pentecostalism is proving contagious. The 2016 Summer Olympics will reverberate from Rio de Janeiro.

Tremendous ferment is coming out of this continent of 390 million people, which was once dismissed as a Third World basket case.

Revolutions are overturning the political, religious and moral status quo.

Long considered a satellite of the United States and some European countries, South American citizens are rejecting colonialism and standing up for freedom.

In Brazil, the continent’s largest country, they are proudly declaring they’ve become the world’s sixth largest economy, ahead of Britain.

This emerging continent may have lessons to teach us.

RELATED: Pope Francis: Six things to watch for

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Secularization is best thing to happen to religion

Once dominated by tradition, a heavy-handed elite and a rigid Roman Catholic Church, South Americans are becoming more liberal, secular and religiously polarized – a bit like Europe and North America. But different.

I will have the chance to explore the vigorous new winds coming out of South America in mid-October when I travel to Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to take part in a conference of the International Association of Religion Journalists, of which I’m a director.

Pope Francis said this week that big business' idolatry "of this god called money" is causing despair for ordinary people.

Pope Francis said this week that big business’ idolatry “of this god called money” is causing despair for ordinary people.

It will be impossible for us to ignore the South American event that has stood out more than anything in recent years – the election of Argentine Cardinal Jose Bergoglio as supreme pontiff.

In just six months, Pope Francis, who eschews the pomp associated with leading the world’s 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, has become South America’s most famous citizen. Millions showed up to celebrate with him in Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day.

Francis is directing the global spotlight to the South American way of doing things. While Catholicism’s all-European popes sometimes talked about lifting up the poor, Francis repeats the theme like he really means it.

In a stunning declaration this month, the new pope told a Jesuit magazine that too many Catholic leaders are “obsessed” with minor moral issues.

The Catholic Church’s edifice might “fall like a house of cards,” Francis said, if it doesn’t balance its divisive rules about abortion, gays and contraception with the greater need to make the church a merciful, more welcoming place for all.

Last week Francis added that big business’ idolatry “of this god called money” is causing despair for ordinary people. “We don’t want this globalized economic system that does so much harm. Men and women have to be at the centre (of an economic global system) as God wants, not money.”

Although Francis’ highly publicized comments do not constitute an actual change in Catholic doctrine, his refocusing of the world’s moral attention could be hugely significant. It is South America itself that has shaped the pontiff’s world view.

In a continent familiar with military juntas, urban slums, environmental destruction and “liberation theology,” it’s not surprising Francis has a heart for economic justice.

In a National Catholic Reporter column headlined “A revolution underway with Pope Francis,” veteran Vatican watcher John Allen pointed out this month 14 of the continent’s 21 nations are now run by centre-left governments.

Real democracies are developing in South America, unlike in the many authoritarian countries of Asia, a continent which sends roughly eight times more immigrants to Canada than South America – even while countries like Brazil are the seventh largest source of foreign direct investment in Canada.

Beyond Pope Francis, what are some other key trend lines in South America? Noted Baylor University history Prof. Philip Jenkins makes a convincing case South America is entering an era marked by a “triangular political setup.”

This triangle involves “Pentecostals, Catholics and secularists, and a constantly shifting balance of coalitions and alliances.”

Let’s look closer at the triangle:

Roman Catholics

Despite the election of an Argentine pope, the once-dominant Catholic Church is actually struggling in South America.

The crisis caused by a lack of Catholic priests leaves most parishes across South America without ordained leaders and in slow decline.

For instance, many still call Brazil, population 200 million, the “world’s largest Catholic country.” But polls show only 30 per cent of the Brazilians who call themselves Catholic actually attend church.


Secularization is expanding.

One crucial sign of South America’s secular liberalization, as Jenkins writes in The Christian Century, is the continent’s increasingly smaller families.

South Americans are largely ignoring the Vatican’s traditional prohibitions on artificial contraception. Brazilian women averaged six children each in the 1960s. Now they average 1.82.

The upcoming Summer Olympics in Brazil symbolize the secular coming of age of South America, where birth rates are declining and rising women's rights are occurring along with greater openness to gay marriage and abortion.

The upcoming Summer Olympics in Brazil symbolize the secular coming of age of South America, where birth rates are declining and rising women’s rights are occurring along with greater openness to gay marriage and abortion.

Lower birthrates and rising women’s rights are occurring along with greater openness to gay marriage and abortion.

Argentina (the home of the pope), Uruguay and Brazil have approved same-sex marriage and allowed openings for legalized abortion.


It would be misleading to suggest, however, that South America is on an inevitable march to pure secularism – to becoming a “post-religious” continent.

In the vacuum created by Catholicism’s weakening, Pentecostalism has taken off.

The Pew Research Center found 15 per cent of Brazilians are now Protestants. And almost all are Pentecostal and charismatic.

These are the kinds of Christians who believe in spiritual healing, divine miracles and even exorcisms. Like in the U.S. and Canada, the Pew Research Center discovered such Pentecostals tend to oppose abortion and homosexuality and believe Jesus Christ will soon return to Earth in an apocalypse.

But, in other crucial ways, South American Pentecostals are not just carbon copies of those in the U.S. and Canada. Politically, they are different animals.

Catholic leaders, including the late Pope John Paul II, have described the growth of Pentecostal churches as an “invasion of the sects” that is robbing Latin America of its Catholic culture and destroying its social cohesion.

Pentecostal denominations even have their own powerful political parties in South America. They have convinced many South American governments to stop giving special favours to the Catholic Church. And they have fought for other religious freedoms.

However, what makes South American Pentecostals important to watch is that, unlike their counterparts in Canada and the U.S., they have not necessarily formed the backbone of the Religious Right.

Unlike in North America, Pentecostals are often support the left-wing in South America.

Unlike in North America, Pentecostals often put their organized support behind left-wing politicians, such as Lula, in South America.

“Some observers argue … Latin American Pentecostals exhibit a tendency either toward political quiescence and passivity or toward right-wing and authoritarian politics,” says the Pew Research Center in a report funded by The Templeton Foundation.

Leftists “frequently attack Pentecostals as agents of North American economic and political interests who perpetuate unjust social conditions by diverting the poor from focusing on their economic misery.”

But South American Pentecostals are all over the political map, says Pew. In Chile, many Pentecostals were among those punished for resisting the dictatorship of U.S.-backed Gen. Augusto Pinochet, a Catholic.

And huge numbers of Pentecostals have also frequently put their political weight into supporting centre-left politicians, including Brazil’s legendary president Luiz “Lula” da Silva.

Left-wing Pentecostals?

This unusual face of Pentecostalism is just one indication that South America is forging its own path – in religion, politics and culture.

Could this unfolding continent ignite fresh fires in North America and beyond?


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