No. The Pope is not a Communist, even though some Republicans in the U.S. have been making the accusation. He does, however, have a knack for rattling the economic status quo.
Pope Francis has done more to popularize Roman Catholicism’s long-standing teachings on “the economics of the common good” than any pope – and arguably more than any Protestant leader, except possibly Martin Luther King Jr.
As the first Latin American pontiff, who has long identified with the way Jesus sided with outcasts, Francis has been scathing about how economic globalization is polarizing the rich and poor.
“Just as the commandment ‘thou shalt not kill’ sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say, ‘thou shalt not’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills,” Pope Francis wrote in his 2013 apostolic exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel.
“Today everything comes under the laws of competition and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means of escape.”
Then came last week’s 182-page statement on the environment, in which Francis lamented how capitalism was plundering the Earth at the expense of the poor and future generations. It gained far more media attention than The Joy of the Gospel. Prominent Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and Jews, as well as secularists, applauded.
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![Popes views on greed echo Vaticans critique of capitalism Vancouver Catholic Archbishop Michael Miller says the Pope's views on "greed and the culture of waste" echo the Vatican's historical critique of capitalism.](
Vancouver Catholic Archbishop Michael Miller says the Pope’s views on “greed and the culture of waste” echo the Vatican’s historical critique of capitalism.
‘Identity politics’ undermines the common good
Vancouver priest’s family collided early with Pope Francis
Indeed, Francis’s encyclical on the environment, Praise Be: On Care for Our Common Home, has placed a hotter spotlight on the pros and cons of the globe’s dominant system than even French economist Thomas Piketty’s dense, surprisingly best-selling 2014 book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century.
But don’t get Francis wrong. As leading Catholics in North America, Europe and South America are quick to point out, the fact the Pope criticizes laissez-faire economics does not make him an old-style Communist.
His Roman Catholic “social teaching” simply illustrates what happens when the church’s thinkers shift their “pro-life” theology from sex-related morality to economics.
Grounded in Christian history
Vancouver Catholic Archbishop Michael Miller says the Pope’s views on “greed and the culture of waste” echo the Vatican’s historical critique of capitalism.
It goes back to at least 1891 and Pope Leo, who condemned both ideological capitalism and socialism while calling for greater economic redistribution.
Most of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics support the Vatican’s opposition to “the exploitation of labour,” Miller said, even though that often does not seem the case in English-speaking North America, where the views of conservative U.S. Christians often make headlines.
In his book, The Great Reformer, British author Austen Ivereigh explains how Francis is neither left nor right. For decades Jorge Bergoglio walked a middle path in Argentina between Marxist-flavoured liberation theology and free-market, often-U.S.-backed juntas.
Francis was criticized for not doing enough to support activist Jesuit priests who adhered to liberation theology, a movement that Pope John Paul II had criticized because he assumed it was similar to the authoritarian Soviet communism he had grown up under in Poland.
![Popes views on greed echo Vaticans critique of capitalism Catholic social teaching promotes solidarity with the poor, opposes the domination of the rich and strengthens the rights of trade unions. But it opposes communism because it upholds private property and rejects placing excessive power in the hands of the state.](
Traditional Catholic social teaching promotes solidarity with the poor, opposes the domination of the rich and strengthens the rights of trade unions. But it opposes communism because it upholds private property and rejects placing excessive power in the hands of the state.
Indeed, Miller said Francis does not champion any particular economic system, let alone Marxism. The values he talks about come with a less provoking name.
They’re contained in a Catholic teaching boringly called “subsidiarity.” It rejects the conventional ideologies of left and right while favouring the decentralization of power.
Subsidiarity promotes solidarity with the poor, opposes the domination of the rich and strengthens the rights of trade unions. But it opposes communism because it upholds private property and rejects placing excessive power in the hands of the state.
The Pope is by no means the only Christian who wants to see reforms to capitalism, within a more mixed economy.
Protestants long ago created the “social gospel.” In Britain it gave rise to William Morris and the Fabian Society; in the U.S. it inspired theologian Walter Rauschenbusch and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and in Canada it shaped pastors Tommy Douglas and J.S. Woodsworth, founders of today’s New Democratic Party.
Pope not alone
After the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. – who said “capitalism has often left a gulf between superfluous wealth and abject poverty” – one of the most influential books in the tradition of the social gospel has been For The Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community.
Written in 1989 by Herman Daly, former chief economist for the World Bank, and John Cobb, an American Methodist theologian, For the Common Good won the prestigious Grawemeyer Award and is often used as a textbook in economics courses, including in Canada.
For the Common Good urges creation of a “steady-state,” sustainable economy. Steering a middle course between market economics and collectivism, the authors say society should place its highest value on the well-being of “individuals-incommunity.”
Albertan Mark Anielski, a Catholic, is among those who have built on The Common Good. In his book, The Economics of Happiness, Anielski develops broader, more sophisticated means than the GNP to measure authentic economic progress.
Since the 2011 Occupy movement’s mass street protests first drew attention to the “one per cent,” other Christian thinkers have tried to help the liberal-left overcome its often-divisive fixation on gender, race and sexual orientation to tap into a fresh class consciousness.
Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation (North Atlantic) is the work of homeless advocate 37-year-old Adam Bucko and 71-year-old Matthew Fox, a former Dominican priest and author turned Episcopalian. They encourage young activists to find sustenance in a non-hierarchical spirituality.
Going deeper, Christian theologians Joerg Rieger and Kwok Pui-lan have come out with Occupy Religion: Theology of the Multitudes (Rowman and Littlefield).
![Popes views on greed echo Vaticans critique of capitalism Philip Clayton, centre left, has long been in discussions with scholars in China, including many who are Marxists.](
Philip Clayton, centre left, has long been in discussions with Marxist and other scholars in Mainland China, which recently embedded in its constitution its aim to create an “ecological civilization.”
Their book traces the religious values running through the global Occupy movement, in which Christians, Buddhists, Jews and Muslims participated. Occupy Religion envisions Jesus as the ultimate resister on behalf of the 99 per cent.
Noted progressive Christian theologian Philip Clayton has long been in discussion with scholars in China, where Marxism and capitalism have been colliding even as the nation’s leaders formally maintain they want to create an “ecological civilization.”
In their new book, Organic Marxism: An Alternative to Capitalism and Ecological Catastrophe (Process Century Press), Clayton and Justin Heinzekehr argue for transforming Marxism with a new ecological philosophy, which rejects the notion the universe is just a complex machine.
Although Clayton and Heinzekehr are highly critical of Karl Marx’s determinism and mechanistic philosophy, they believe he was correct in claiming capitalism relies on a “permanent underclass.” A government for the common good, they say, requires balancing the market with the needs of humans and the environment.
Clearly, old ideological labels – liberal, conservative, socialist, libertarian and Communist – are growing outdated as the Pope and a host of other spiritual figures stand up for new democratic and economic models.
For his part, Pope Francis seems to enjoy teasing the public about it all – by saying that while he isn’t a Marxist, he does have many “Marxist friends.”
He did not grow up in the U.S. and Canada during the Cold War. He was forged in the fire of systems that did not hide their determination to keep the masses on the margins.
A deeply devout man, Francis will never forget Jesus always gave first preference to the poor.
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Filed under: The Search Tagged: Archbishop Michael Miller, argentina, Austen Ivereigh, business, capitalism, Communism, eco-economics, economics, Europe, Franklin D. Roosevelt, greed, Herman Daly, John Cobb, Karl Marx, Martin Luther King Jr., Matthew Fox, Philip Clayton, Politics, pope, Pope Francis, Pope John Paul II, religion, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholics, The New Deal, Vancouver, Vatican, waste